Work and Travel
برنامج سافر واعمل في امريكا
- A program that allows students from all over the world to work in the US for 3 months and then travel to the US for another month.
- It’s a very interesting experience for students because they get to work alongside US citizens and learn the American culture as well as teach their culture to Americans and other nationalities who are experiencing the same program.
- This is one of the best ways to discover America and a great opportunity to earn back the money spent on this program.
Why should you try the Work & Travel program?
Living and working among Americans is a great opportunity to gain great insight into life and culture in the US, make friends, and improve your English skills.
At the end of your program you’ll have the opportunity to travel around the US for up to 30 days.
Summer Work and Travel programs last up to four months, with an opportunity for up to one month of travel after your job ends, depending upon your university schedule.

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So .. how does it work?
ماهي خطوات تنفيذ البرنامج؟
Apply for the program, submit the necessary documents all.
التقدم للبرنامج، وتقديم المستندات اللازمة كافة
There are many interviews that the applicant must know, such as the first interview at Flybird headoffice, the English language assessment, the employer interview(s), and the visa appointment interview at the embassy.
هناك العديد من المقابلات التي يجب على المتقدم معرفتها كالمقابله الاولي بمقر شركة فلاي بيرد ، وتقييم اللغة الإنجليزية، ومقابلة (مقابلات) صاحب العمل، ومقابلة موعد التأشيرة بالسفارة .
Pack and get ready to travel! Well, there are probably a few things before packing that you will need to do. Attend a pre-arrival orientation about the Camp Counselor experience Gather your government documents for travel Now, you can pack!
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تتم إدارة البرنامج والإشراف عليه من قبل وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية، مكتب الشؤون التعليمية والثقافية.
يأتي طلاب الكليات والجامعات إلى الولايات المتحدة لمشاركة ثقافتهم وأفكارهم مع شعب الولايات المتحدة من خلال فرص العمل والسفر المؤقتة.
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