A one-week summer camp in the USA

A one-week summer camp in the USA is an investment in your child's future. It fosters personal growth, cultural exchange, and creates a summer adventure they'll never forget. With careful planning and the right program, your child can experience the magic of American summer camps! 

Benefits of a One-Week USA Summer Camp:

Spark Curiosity and Exploration: Camps offer a variety of activities, from arts and crafts to STEM exploration and outdoor adventures. This exposure can spark new interests and talents in your child.  

Immerse in a New Culture: Living and learning  allows children to experience customs, traditions, and slang in a fun and interactive way.

 Boost English Language Skills: One-week programs offer a condensed yet impactful opportunity to improve English communication in a natural setting.

 Make Lasting Friendships: Camps provide a chance to connect with kids from around the world, fostering intercultural understanding and lifelong friendships.

Focus on Interests: Many camps specialize in specific areas like sports, music, technology, or language learning. Choose a program that aligns with your child's passions with our team.

Safety and Supervision: Ensure the camp prioritizes safety with qualified staff and a secure environment.

Visa Requirements: ask about visa requirements for Egyptian citizens attending camps in the USA.

Start Planning Early: camps fill up quickly, so start and apply well in advance.

Programs & Services

Offering the most comprehensive line up of exchange programs and services available.


Summer Camps

International Summer camps that are among the fastest and most fun ways to learn and acquire many skills.


Work and Travel

A cultural exchange program that allows students from all over the world to work in the US for 3 months  



High School 

The US High School Program is the best way for high school students to become a part of an international community.



Registered Nurse

Support creative, ambitious and passionate nurses who cannot afford the program to enhance their career.


Our pleasure to answer all what you are thinking 

We have a professional team ready to help and assist you from the beginning of your dream till you achieve it.

Fly Bird
To respond to any question you may have.



White and Red UK Visa Post
Every Year We Here

Au Pair

Au Pair Participants and host families take part in a mutually rewarding, intercultural opportunity. Participants can continue their education while experiencing everyday life with an American family, and hosts get reliable and responsible childcare from participants who become part of the family.
Children learn social skills

We will be really happy to hear from you

The benefits of summer day camp or overnight camp are endless and can last a lifetime. Not only will your child return from camp with greater independence and a stronger sense of identity, but they will also have developed new skills, made new friends and created memories they will cherish forever. What's the Next Step? Contact us if you are interested in one of our services, or if you have a success story with Fly Bird, please share it.