We’ve been perfecting our signature mix of eye-opening learning and mind-blowing fun. 

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What are the student rules?
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    Follow Fly Bid group and activity leaders.

What are the student rules?

What are the student rules?
● Please speak English at all times. ● Follow instructions in class, on activities and in your accommodation. ● Do not be late for class or activities. ● You must attend your activities and lessons every day. ● No drinks [except water] or food in classrooms, sports area and bedrooms. ● Please keep your personal things (wallets; phones) with Fly Bird staff. Fly Bird is not responsible if you do not. ● You must not write on walls, furniture. ● Respect other students, Fly Bird and centre staff, the different cultures and religions at Fly Bird. ● Bullying (hurting someone physically or emotionally) is not acceptable. ● Fire escapes are for emergency use only and are not to be used at any other time. ● Do not leave the centre without someone from Fly Bird or your group leader.
● Mobile phones can only be used in class as part of a learning activity. ● No chewing gum in class.
● Follow bedtimes. Students must be silent after lights out.
Dining area
● Wait in line, do not push others ● Leave your dining area clean ● Do not shout or play with food ● Show good table manners
● Do not take any sports equipment without asking ● Always return equipment after use
Excursion rules
● Follow Fly Bid group and activity leaders.
Online safety
● Do not give your user name, password, or any other personal information to anyone. ● Do not use another person’s user name or password. ● Report any unpleasant or unsuitable material or messages that make you feel upset or unhappy. ● Do not take, send or share on social media, pictures of anyone without their permission.

please contact us if your question isn’t answered .

      Following are a list of questions that will help you decide on the most appropriate summer camp .